HELP!!!!!!!!!! What makes 'You', YOU?

First thing First !!!

I want to go a Q&A on my Youtube channel but....
I need questions so... If you would please help me out with that??? You may send the questions to me through instagram or/and E-mail ( 


This was written January 23, 2015...

While reading ahead in my 5-year journal, 

I found an interesting question that I do not exactly know how to answer it... 

Okay, so I might want to start by saying or coming to the realization, of "Who am I?" and 

not just the exterior part of my that is displayed on social media or, the part of me I used 

to let my members, when I worked at the credit union, see.

I later answered my own question... 

"independent young girl woman who loves to hard & hurts too easily.
I am weak but I am also strong. I am open to change but, I still prefer everything
to stay like it is and has always been. 
I am dedicated but, I am also lazy and like to post-pone everything
until the last minute. I love seeing the bright side in situations but, my mind, usually 
comes up with the worst situation. 
I am friendly, yet a loner.
I am open-minded, yet hard-headed.
Safe to say I'm an oxymoron within myself
I really couldn't be happier about it.

So, now the real question is...

What makes me like this??? 

What force of nature makes my brain work over-time at 1:20 A.M.???

I answered everything & everyone, who, I have allowed to shape and 

mold me including (myself, God and society; mostly myself).    


This was written May 21, 2020, set to post on June 8th.

Overcome your demons first, glory is to follow.

I actually picked out this quote out of a jar in my Pilates studio...

I found the card today, I think it might go exactly with my situation 
looking at how I am almost in my 5th year post accident. 
Live has slowly been getting back to normal for me. Expect, of course, I am currently not working; 
In the sense that I have crossed off some goals I once made...
Which brings me to my NEXT announcement... 

I found my second interview... this one is in Spanish.

Now, I need to find the interview I did for U.M. for Pilates on The Grove.
Neurological class.

KIDDING ! I found it !!!
Super Duper Excited
***Please excuse my hair***


This part written June 7,2020.

I'm going to address the hot topic of the minute... 

Are the four officer Tou Thao, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane, Derek Chauvin excused for their actions???  

In my personal experience, I have had life changing relationships with "black" people.
And, I REALLY don't feel okay with referring to that race as that, simply.
Because, for me they can be best friends, boyfriends, fiancΓ©, husbands, wives, girlfriends, sons, daughters, they are basically HUMANS!!! Therefore, 
deserve the same RIGHT and RESPECT as every one else. Officers are SPOILED, to be honest. 

With almost 2 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. alone; 

Almost 7 million cases confirmed around the global.

We are in a battle with an invisible enemy. πŸ˜” 

So, we have to learn to love (or at least accept each other)!!!  
So, basically, Check yourself before you wreck yourself





E-mail or D.M. me your @ name and birthday and I'll give you a shout out if it falls on a Monday!!!

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@seaavision- Beatrizpilarr

Youtube▶️- BeatrizPilarr96
