Managing time


   I don't know if I am alone in this... But, I am REALLY, REALLY lazy most days; (Just ask my mom)

   I have 1 weapon I learnt from watching YouTube podcast. @Sharabelle93x and @Juicystar07 inspired me to live as I do today. 

Which is keeping an AGENDA although, it only allows for so much.
It doesn't tell me that there's traffic in a certain area...
taking as how I thought I could get from 
work @ 5:30 P.M. ⇾ School @ 5:40 P.M. Monday-Friday. 

---According to Google Maps it takes about 6 minutes, keep in mind I'm writing this a Saturday @ 6:40 P.M. so the traffic right now compared to back then is a piece of cake.
(Please excuse my bitchiness.)

The live of a full-time working student is though... I know some of you are like yea I did it
+I had 1, 2 or 3 kids that I needed to take care of... 
or I was part of a group like Best Buddy or I volunteer weekly.

But, it taught me many things about life itself, even though my stupid, blunt-blowing self threw that out of the window 9 times out of 10. I wouldn't have changed much of what happen in the period of my life where I whole-heartily believed I was wild, free and young. ANDDD... I had money to blow as I was not responsible for anything... I truly had no worries about the world, which is really biting me in the butt now.        


⥤ I have tips for managing Time & Tasks this is published by Northeast Center for Special Care, so if  you are how I use to be, and probably think you don't need this post, JUST HAVE 1 THING TO SAY #GOOD-LUCK!!! until next time. 😘

⥤For, my other set of readers 😁(that sounds so official) but I'm going to share four tips for time managing (fellow TBI survivors this is mainly for you)
   1.Organize your time and day to accomplish goals...
My trainer, @Elvysthetrainer, told me I had to complete 3 miles per day... 
I haven't completed 100% of this goal but, I manage to not stay in a sit the whole day...  

   2.Carry a daily diary with your schedule... AGENDA... or you're phone... doesn't exactly work    for  me.

3. Wear a watch... pretty self-explanatory.
Seems obvious, now that I don't have to 
be on the phone 8 hours & I didn't finish the lesson on 
BlackBoard the night before.

At the end of the day, Don't Bite Off More Than You Can Chew... You are going to choke, EVENTUALLY !!!

 I say this because, I care about you...

ACTA- ig-@acta.wear





I've noticed that 1 of the interviews I was a part of wasn't actually the link...
so, here you go...

 This is my story partly for those of you, who still In the dark as to who I am.
