Moved away from your comfort zone. Your calling lines there!

---Moved away from your comfort zone.
Your calling lines there!

If I wouldn't have moved away (or been shoved out of it),

I would still be working 40+ hours a week, I'm not saying I didn't like I enjoyed what I was doing, and I still had goals and dreams. 
Although, most of them were work related. 
I hadn't given travel a chance, which didn't come to mind but I really enjoy it and I'm looking forward to many more trips in the future. 
I read this quote once---

 "Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life
-Robin Sharma,

I was doing exactly that, Day In, Day Out.
It didn't catch up with be back then.
& that is exactly what a successful person should do in society, it is looked as the norm in society.

I worked with people close to retirement that working in a specific department,
and 30+ years later they were doing the same thing. 
And, for some people that's completely acceptable but, 
I, need change... 
I get bored to easily.

Now, I see everyone going on finishing school,
 starting families,
 going after there dreams.
Don't get me wrong, I am all for Self Improvement/ Growth.

But, I have completed serval goals, 
I had set that were important to me as a Mass Communications major.
 Like been on T.V. I am happy to say I've been featured in a couple 
of News Shows! 
And yes, I'm oddly pleased by this... 

But, I'm still living and I can still live to see another day. 
You have to take life with a positive attitude 
and shrug off any negativity that comes 
your way ! 
Always, remember to never stop bettering yourself ! 

-Beatriz Pilar
