Super simple tips!!


     Super simple a monkey can do it ...
          They can ... I have seen a meme.🐒🙉

   I am impressed with myself and my ability to smile at everyone... ALL the time. Even though, nobody admits it ... It’s just as efficient as getting into a huge brawl... SIMILE, even though you might be going through living hell,
    RELAX! Everything is going to work out the way a higher power wants it.

   Focus on your breathing for a few seconds ... OR  minutes if you’re really pissed off.

   Before the accident, it was a common courtesy, some people truly brought me to the point of pure happiness. I’ve always had a smile on my face, so it will be really hypocritical for me to say everyone should indulge in this behavior.

   Although one thing everyone should make/have at all times is a “Bucket List” or a “Vision board” the Bible states where their is no vision, the people parish (Terri Savelle Foy, 2018).

                 So, everyone should make a vision board (Bucket List)
 (I use these interchangeably because my own Bucket List is own my vision board)

 ~Visit Italy   ~Visit Greece   ~Visit France   ~Visit Castle Island,Dublin   ~Visit Aruba   ~Visit Spain   ~Visit Egypt
   ~Visit Australia   ~Visit Heaven's Trail in Ireland   ~Visit Bora Bora   ~Visit Easter Island   ~Visit Paris   ~Visit all 51 United States,States   ~Visit Pink Sandy Beach in Bahamas   ~Get a Master's in school for Social Work (Management)
   ~Write a book
   ~Win a Nobel Peace Prize
   ~Give a TED Talk. (I've had this goal ever since my Sophomore year in High School.
   ~And I'm not going to bore you with much more.

        Terri said in one of her vlogs on YouTube or a Christian rapper in one of his songs (can't put my finger on which one... SORRY...) "When your standing in front of the lord and he ask you if you have completed what you were called on this earth to do. He will hold you accountable for it."

 Today is August 4th, 2019; I have completed four of the numerous items on my list.  

     Share with me your Bucket List via E-mail; Maybe you'll inspire me to add some items to my bucket list!!! (I'll pray over your Bucket List if you request me to do so.)

Thank you :D 
Bless you all!!! 
