Nice to meet you...

   Welcome! Thank you for helping share my story. Let me start off by introducing myself, I'm Beatriz Del Pilar. I was a typical recent high school grad, I was blessed with the opportunity to begin working at a local credit union in Miami. That was going great but, one awful night late May of 2015, I was involved in a car accident. As a result, I became fearless (or at least that is what I believe so far) because, I know what I do to better myself it's going to come out as planned and maybe better than plan. As Andy Mineo's song, "You Can't Stop Me", says "God got me".   
   I started this blog mid February of 2015, with hopes of of posting about my attempts to live a Minimalism Life-Style (huge failure) & climbing the corporate ladder, no-spending 30 days. I am going to try and make this blog a regularly thing on my calendar.
_________________OFF TO A BAD START, don't tell on me ;)________________________
connect with me on Instagram- @Beatrizpilarr 

¡Bienvenidos! Gracias por ayudarme a compartir mi historia. Permítanme empezar presentándome, soy Beatriz Del Pilar. Yo era un típico recién graduado de la escuela secundaria, tuve la suerte de comenzar a trabajar en una cooperativa de crédito local en Miami. Eso iba muy bien, pero una noche terrible a fines de mayo de 2015, me vi involucrado en un accidente automovilístico. Como resultado, me volví valiente (o al menos eso es lo que creo hasta ahora) porque, sé lo que hago para mejorarme, saldrá como estaba planeado y tal vez mejor de lo planeado. Como dice la canción de Andy Mineo, "You Can't Stop Me", "Dios me atrapó".
   Comencé este blog a mediados de febrero de 2015, con la esperanza de publicar sobre mis intentos de vivir un estilo de vida minimalista (gran fracaso) y escalar la escalera corporativa, sin gastar 30 días. Voy a intentar hacer de este blog algo habitual en mi calendario.
conéctate conmigo en Instagram- @Beatrizpilarr


  1. 9th grade??? ugh... I just had a hole pierced in my heart! Just kidding. Love you. Very proud of how hard you are working to accomplish your goals and dreams. I know this is the first blog but I read backwards (I read all of them!). Your first blog hit me with something though... you said you started this blog in 2015 to talk about certain goals of the time. Funny how you never posted anything then. And now, here you are posting your heart away. Sounds like you have deeper thoughts and troubles now (by troubles I mean things that keep you up at night wondering, thinking). Now we're talking! That in itself I would say is deep and says something about being 19, and being 24, and being someone how has gone through trying life experiences. I am hooked. Take me on this journey. I'm buckled in. <3


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Do what my 9th grade English teacher, or my ENC1102 teacher did!!
CRITICIZE ME... but nicely!!! :D